Monday, February 16, 2009

Submit Your Rants

That's right, Pals, it is a nother (yes, i like "a nother" as two words.) hard-charging study week, and that means one thing: LINKS

Below is both my newest and lamest link in my linktaculous collection.

You can expect more and better links to come as the week progresses, followed by a marathon rant about what's wrong with medical education in this country, two days of unedited, drunkey posts, and, as always, more commas than actual words on the page.

==//== damnit; never say "words on the page" ==//==

Speaking of rants, in the meantime try one out for yourself. Ranting is easy, but some find it difficult to get started. Let me help.

Start with: " You know what's wrong with" (fill in your rant's topic here)* and end your sentence with "in this country?**"

It's just that easy. My Scared of Failing Medical School Rant will start out, "You know what's wrong with medical education in this country?"

Post your rant in the comments section. Maybe someone else will like your rant and tag-team rant with you for a while. Tag-team rants are the most synergistic or all rants and, therefore, the most powerful.

*Don't fret about choosing the perfect topic. Most rants sway and stray from their original "You know what's wrong with---in this country" statement to all manner of topics. The point of a rant is never to demoralize an imaginary adversary; it's so you can have the "ah-ha" moment. This happens when your rant strays to the issue that's really upsetting you, and in a moment of clarity you realize what your doing, pause mid-sentence, and say, "Shit," more to yourself than to anyone else. We should probably call that the "ah-shit" moment instead.

**I used a question mark after my example "You know what's wrong with---in this country" statement, because you knew I was ranting and wouldn't have inadvertently answered my rhetorical question. As long as your audience knows your ranting, using a question mark here instead of an exclamation point makes you look like less of an asshole. Your question mark will make readers feel like you're including them as your ranting ally. It gives them an 'in' for a possible future tag-team rant. Using an exclamation point puts them on the defensive early making them more likely to poke holes in your flimsy rant-logic later. Just remember, if there is any doubt that the person receiving your rant won't realize your question is rhetorical (this is especially likely if your rant platform is any type of in Instant Messenger, phone conversation, or meat-space) use the exclamation point. There is nothing worse than the awkward exchange between a ranter and the person who just tried to answer his "You know what's wrong with---in this country" statement.

(Once again, sorry for the edit-free quickie. I'm now 2.5 hours late for class and gotsta schtudy gotsta schtudy. Also, don't worry about the link unless you're also looking for an excuse to blow something off (hehe: blow something off). Just work on those rants and we'll call it a day.)

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