Tuesday, February 3, 2009


I've always thought---\\\---

---strike that---

I've sometimes thought ---\\\---

---strike that too---

I've just thought (and would like to state said thought as a past glimpse of enlightenment so as to now use that thought as a literary device whereby I move from past to present, engendering continued contemplation and well reasoned discernment along the way leading up to the present where I take said thought from discorporal vapor to living body in 6 short paragraphs) that video is cheap. It's easy. Its-

Ok, it's not that easy.

But, it is, right? You know the viral videos that spin out of control after some jackass left his camera phone on

on record, and some other jackass loses his grip and topples head over heels onto



who, (interject interjection here), said something like:

"They blanked up the whole blanking party with their blanking blank up!"


That stuff is blanked up. But, we love it! Of course, the other extreme is the finely tuned dramatic shorts cooked up in some college film lab - depicting "SOLITUDE" as it has never been portrayed before in black'n'white - well, sepia tone - and finds an audience of ONE


of one of the "actors" - and I put actors in "quotes" because of a Scrubs episode where Doctor Funnyname pokes fun at other Doctor Funnyname and a J.D. is like, "

**sidebar**") and doesn't fare so well at the box-office.

By a show of hands, who followed that last sentence start-to-finish, apostrophes and all?

It's like a freakin' algebra equation!

Anyhoo, the point is Video is the antitheses of what I do. I write and write and write with little to no thought of grammar, syntax, editing or general sanity. I'm a big fan of those things in theory and can be a really big snob about them in others' writing, but fuck if I care who thinks this bit of verbiage is running on past its prime or not; or who thinks ending sentences in "not" is poor form or not. I just don't want to be borning. Editing takes time and effort and guts. Because a finished product is open to all manner of criticism and judgment without the out,

"It's just a work in progress."

Video is a short shitty hunk-o-wood that you whittle down to 1/tenth its size and create from one mundane stream a Flow which transcends content. And becomes


or art or satire or what-have-you. But it's a product. It's a metric shit-ton of hard work packaged so you can't hide the bow.

Stream of Consciousness is what eye due. It's the drivel that dribbles past my inner I and onto the

--don't say "page." don't say "page"--

floor right in front of the urinal where I was too busy reading the 8 and 1/2 by 11 on the wall to keep track of my aim. *phew* Nailed It!

This part is easy. The stream. What's tricky is making it flow. Effortlessly, seamlessly, working without a net. Because the misspellings, misprints and left out words that I'm sure litter this page ruin the pace this race is running past my brain cells and onto the

--don't say "page." don't say "page."--

canvas - shit that's trite - and

ruin the whole effect.

I made a video for Someone today - the kind of Someone who deserves a capital 'S' - out of 2 minutes of footage 2 hours of editing and a MacBook. (And it wasn't that good!) It's exactly the opposite of what I do! What I'm writing now took 20 minutes of typing with 20 seconds of, "Wait, I should of used a period instead of a 'muthr fuckin right ee did!'"

By now I've sure you'm guessed- ^Strike that. Reverse it.^ (and make that 26 seconds)- that this whole post was to say I'm thinking about video as a means of communication. Making the 40 second clip for Someone was fun. It was a new kind of creative. Doing something similar for many is a little intimidating. And i love


But, maybe, in weeks to come I'll post a short film or two about, "Pleuratude" or some postmodern bullshit for your critiquing pleasure. Or not.

(If you've made it this far, thanks for working your way through this one. Not having read it myself, I'm sure it was arduous. Thank you for your time. I promise to do better next time. Or not.

But I'll try.)

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